Digital Preservation
Microbiology Archives: An International Journal prioritizes the long-term accessibility and preservation of its published content through a comprehensive digital preservation policy. In alignment with the journal’s commitment to safeguarding scientific knowledge for future generations, the digital preservation policy ensures that all published research remains accessible, regardless of technological changes, data loss risks, or potential access disruptions.
To achieve secure digital preservation, Microbiology Archives partners with leading archiving solutions and repositories that specialize in the preservation of scholarly content. These include platforms like Portico, CLOCKSS, and institutional digital repositories, which adhere to industry standards for digital archiving and provide robust backup and recovery systems. These collaborations guarantee that each article, dataset, and supplementary file is stored in a stable format, allowing it to be accessible to readers and researchers far into the future.
Additionally, the journal employs persistent identifiers such as Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for each published piece, ensuring that content remains permanently linkable and traceable. The digital preservation policy enables Microbiology Archives to maintain continuity and integrity in the accessibility of scientific knowledge, supporting research longevity and offering authors the assurance that their work will contribute to the scientific community in a sustainable and secure manner.